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Reeview can help you grow your business with words of mouth

Word-of-mouth is one of the most trusted forms of advertising. Use positive reviews to enhance trust, win more customers, and accelerate your growth. Reeview let you turn your happy customers into your best promoters.
More 5-Star Reviews*
Customer satisfaction score*

Your customers want to talk about you. Make it easy.

Reeview provides a powerful suite of solutions to help you get more 5-star reviews, gather customer feedback and analyze customer experience, so you can turn every customer interaction into a launchpad for exponential growth!
Online Reviews

Create a flow of 5-Star reviews from your customers

Reeview uses multiple channels to help you collect positive reviews at a scale never seen before.
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Customer Feedback

Effortlessly capture and prioritize customers feedback

Reeview makes it simple for customers to give their feedback so you can turn every purchase into a review.
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Data & Reporting

Uncover actionable customer experience insights

With Reeview reporting, you can easily identify trends, anticipate customer needs and increase customer satisfaction.
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Put your reviews collection on autopilot

Streamline your workflow by integrating Reeview with the tools you already use. Reeview integrates with 5,000+ apps.
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"I run a chain of local acupuncture clinics here in Switzerland called Chinatang (, and I just had to shout out how awesome Reeview is! Getting reviews used to be like pulling teeth. But now, with Reeview, I can easily ask for reviews for my Google business page. It's exactly what I needed."
Colin Finger
Founder at Chinatang
"I am genuinely impressed by its potential to enhance my business operations. Specifically, as a property manager of multiple Airbnb properties that depend on good reviews to encourage future business, the discussed features align seamlessly with my objectives."
Terrance Lackey
Owner Grand Welcome
"So far we have used it to increase reviews for our Yelp and will also use it to solicit additional Google reviews. Looking forward to more features they may be adding."
Sarkis Kalandjian
CEO at Ziamond
"After looking closer at how this works I am 100% sure we will get more great reviews for each business, and that means attracting more new customers too. I recommend that you test this."
Preben Sangvik
Manager at Skadedyrproffen

Collect reviews on the sites that matter the most to your business

Encourage customers to give feedback on relevant review sites by selecting from over 20 popular platforms to include in your campaigns. Generate a free reputation report with Trustguide.

Ready to improve your online reputation?

Sign up to Reeview today and start gathering more 5-star reviews, analyzing customer feedback, and improving customer satisfaction.