Zapier integration
How to integrate Reeview and Zapier?
Reeview is a powerful tool for managing customer reviews, but it can be time-consuming to manually send review requests via SMS or email. Fortunately, This guide will walk you through the steps needed to integrate Zapier with Reeview so that you can trigger SMS or email review requests automatically.
Before you begin, you will need the following:
- A Zapier account (you can sign up for a free account at
- A Reeview account (you can sign up for a free trial at
- Access to a phone number for SMS review requests or an email address for email review requests
Step 1: Create a Zap in Zapier
Log in to your Zapier account and click the "Make a Zap" button in the top right corner of the screen. Choose the trigger app for your review request (e.g. Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.) and the action app for Reeview. Then select the trigger event that will trigger the review request in Reeview.
Step 2: Connect to Your Reeview Account
In order to integrate with Reeview, you will need to connect your Zapier account to your Reeview account. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click "Connect an Account" and enter your Reeview API key. You can find your API key in the Reeview dashboard under "Settings".
2. Click "Yes, Continue" to verify your API key.
3. Select your Reeview account from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Set up Your SMS or Email Review Request
Once you've connected your Reeview account, you can set up your SMS or email review request. In the "Action" step of your Zap, select the option to send an SMS or email request. Then enter the phone number or email address you want to send the request to, as well as any other necessary information, such as the name of the customer or the product they purchased.
Step 4: Test and Turn on Your Zap
Once you've set up your SMS or email review request, test your Zap to make sure it's working correctly. If everything looks good, turn on your Zap to start sending review requests automatically.