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iteach: Reviews and Reputation Summary

Rated 4.1 based on 896 Reviews
Rated 4.1 based on 896 Reviews
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Natalie Wilson
Published on
March 8, 2024
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Company Snapshot

Founding Year
+1 940-383-8100
Annual Revenue
Denton, United States

What do people think about iteach

In assessing the recent reviews of iTeach, a company that appears to offer a self-paced certification program for teaching professionals, there is a mix of praise and criticism that contributes to its overall reputation. A key point of commendation across multiple reviews is the self-paced aspect of the company's courses, which many users found to be a beneficial feature, allowing for flexibility in their learning and accommodating their individual schedules. Reviewers often highlighted how the resources and test prep courses provided by iTeach were invaluable and directly applicable to their teaching practice. Furthermore, several reviewers mentioned receiving prompt and helpful support when they reached out to the company with queries or issues, adding to positive customer experiences.

Conversely, not all feedback was affirmative. Some customers reported a lack of guidance on the order of taking tests and completing assignments, which indicates that the independent pacing might be challenging without proper direction. A particularly negative review pointed out that the content offered by iTeach was outdated by over a decade and expressed dissatisfaction with the perceived prioritization of profits over education quality. In contrast to the more positive testimonies, this sentiment suggests that customer experience may vary significantly. Evaluating these critiques, it becomes essential for iTeach to address these concerns to maintain a strong reputation, particularly with the claim of outdated materials which could significantly impact the relevance and effectiveness of the program. Nonetheless, the majority of reviews expressed satisfaction and gratitude for the program, mentioning successful completion, adequate support, and a smooth transition into relevant professional pathways, such as moving from an ARL License to a Traditional License or embarking on a Master's program.

iteach Recent Customers Feedback and Reviews

Read what some customers have to say on Trustpilot...

customer Rated iteach 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

I love that iTeach is self paced and gives you access to so many resources. The test prep courses were invaluable.

customer Rated iteach 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

No guidance. Guided by yourself and lots of questions. Did not tell me what order to take tests, or do assignments.
iteach reviews

Michael McNeiece Rated iteach 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

The courses throughout the program were incredibly relevant and I use most of what I learned through iTeach in my practice as a teacher. Everything is self-paced so one of my courses technically took me over a year to finish (procrastination). Every time I reached out to them I was responded too in a completely reasonable amount of time and my answers were always answered fully. iTeach has even helped me get started on a Master's program as well as helping me transfer my ARL License to a Traditional License. It was worth every penny in my opinion.
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Frequently Asked Questions About iteach

Is iTeach a self-paced program?

Yes, iTeach offers a self-paced learning experience, allowing participants to complete courses at their own speed, which may benefit those with busy schedules or who are managing other commitments alongside the certification process.

What kind of support can I expect from iTeach during my certification process?

iTeach provides support to its learners, with reviews indicating that inquiries often receive prompt responses. Additionally, field instructors are reported to give useful advice, and there is mention of a supportive staff available to help with any issues that arise during the program.

Does iTeach provide guidance on the order of taking tests and completing assignments?

Some users have reported a lack of guidance regarding the sequence of tests and assignments. It's advisable for prospective participants to reach out to iTeach directly for clarification on the program structure and guidance on navigating the certification process.

About iteach

iteach is an innovative educator preparation program that primarily focuses on facilitating a competency-based learning experience to aspiring teachers. Established in 2003, iteach aims to streamline the path to certification for talented individuals, mitigating both the financial barriers and the extensive time commitments traditionally associated with becoming a certified educator. The program integrates online coursework, providing ample flexibility and convenience, with a yearlong teaching residency, during which participants gain hands-on experience under the guidance of experienced Classroom Supervisors.

The company has had a significant impact in the educational sector, having assisted over 20,000 teachers in achieving their certification. iteach stands out due to its unique model which combines a robust online curriculum and mentorship with free professional development resources obtained from the Teaching Channel, as well as comprehensive test preparation content from Passage Preparation. The effectiveness and scalability of the iteach program have allowed it to expand, now offering state-approved certification programs in 11 states with the potential for further growth. Additional information and resources about iteach and its certification programs can be accessed through their website at

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