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Power NI

Power NI: Reviews and Reputation Summary

Rated 4.4 based on 797 Reviews
Rated 4.4 based on 797 Reviews
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Natalie Wilson
Published on
April 22, 2024
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Company Snapshot

Founding Year
+44 34 5745 5455
Annual Revenue
Belfast, United Kingdom

What do people think about Power NI

The overall reputation of Power NI as derived from the latest reviews presents a mixture of both praise for efficient and helpful customer service, and criticism for administrative oversights and billing grievances. On the affirmative side, reviewers commend Power NI for the ease of switching services, professional guidance during the changeover process, and particularly for providing supportive customer care to vulnerable individuals. Commendations of their efficiency and the friendliness of staff, including sales representatives, seem to contribute to a positive customer experience.

Conversely, there is notable discontentment regarding the company's administrative competence and financial handling. One particular review recounts a significant lapse in appointment scheduling which resulted in inconvenience, coupled with an accusation of overcharging a senior citizen. This suggests that Power NI suffers from issues with internal processes and communication, potentially affecting trust and customer satisfaction. Additionally, some customers have shared grievances about their exit process, indicating difficulties in obtaining refunds for overcharges and restrictions in account access post-closure. Recurring themes indicate a discrepancy in experiences, with the satisfaction derived from personable interactions with staff being overshadowed by frustration caused by systemic errors and customer service policies.

Power NI Recent Customers Feedback and Reviews

Read what some customers have to say on Trustpilot...

Rosemary Rated Power NI 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

Switched this morning to Easy Save card. Quick efficient service. Very well pleased.
Power NI reviews

L L Rated Power NI 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

PowerNI have always been very helpful. Im a vulnerable adult who lives alone; they have helped me keep the electric on and work out how much my electric is every month so I can pre plan it. They havent judged me when calling for help and have always been kind, quick and helpful. They do have a policy of only helping once per year but made sure to give me resources i could use in future emergencies whilst also helping me avpid amy future issues. Spoke me throigh how the keypad works. Means alot to someone like me woth very little social interaction. Thankyou

Bob Warnock Rated Power NI 5-Star on Trustpilot and said...

The change over was explained very well and the dates I was told happened when I was told it would be no hold ups no miss happy great service very professional
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Frequently Asked Questions About Power NI

What support does Power NI offer to vulnerable customers?

Power NI offers tailored support to vulnerable customers, such as helping them understand and manage their monthly electricity costs, providing guidance on how to use their keypad, and ensuring emergency resources are available. They have a policy to assist each customer once per year while also offering resources for future emergencies.

How does the process of switching to Power NI work?

Customers report that switching to Power NI is typically straightforward, with the switch date communicated clearly and adhered to. The process can be done efficiently over the phone, where customers can expect friendly and professional advice from advisors.

What are some concerns customers have had with Power NI?

Some customers have reported issues with Power NI, such as problems with its online portal being frequently down for maintenance, challenges faced during the meter installation process, and instances of being overcharged or difficulty in getting refunds for overpayments. There are also complaints regarding customer service, such as calls not being handled to satisfaction and difficulties with the complaints process.

About Power NI

Power NI is an established energy supplier within the Energia Group, which has a rich history spanning 90 years of serving Northern Ireland. As a prominent provider, Power NI delivers electricity to approximately 500,000 homes, agricultural enterprises, and businesses, indicating a substantial market presence and consumer trust in the region. The company takes pride in having a deep understanding of customer needs, which has been honed over the better part of a century, allowing them to offer products and services tailored to the evolving demands of their clientele.

In addition to energy supply, Power NI is committed to innovation and sustainability, offering green energy solutions and supporting the transition to Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure. The company is actively contributing to the decarbonisation efforts and the protection of the environment. With a focus on technology-led solutions, Power NI aims to simplify and enhance the lives of its customers. Exceptional customer service is also a hallmark of Power NI's offerings, evidenced by the low level of consumer complaints received for nine consecutive years. This dedication to service, coupled with fair pricing and substantial discounts, has led to Power NI becoming the supplier of choice for over 40,000 local businesses, solidifying its position as Northern Ireland's largest energy supplier.

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